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Table Plugin

Table plugin allows the user to add super cool table!

Add a table!


/* Editor */
import { RicosEditor } from 'ricos-editor';
import { pluginTable } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-table';
<RicosEditor plugins={[pluginTable()]} />;
/* Viewer */
import { RicosViewer } from 'ricos-viewer';
import { pluginTable } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-table/viewer';
<RicosViewer plugins={[pluginTable()]} />;

Currently supported plugins#

For now, these are the plugins that are supported in the table and can be added when editing a cell:

  1. Text color
  2. Text highlight
  3. Indent
  4. Line spacing
  5. Link
  6. Image
  7. Video
  8. Gif
  9. Emoji
  10. File upload
  11. Divider
  12. Code block
  13. Unsupported blocks
  14. Spoiler