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Quick Start

Let's get started by installing the package:

npm i ricos-editor

Then add a basic rich text editor to your app. You can now test typing and adding formatting to your text:

import { RicosEditor } from 'ricos-editor';
<RicosEditor placeholder={'Type here!'} />;
Type here!

Let's add some plugins:

npm i wix-rich-content-plugin-video wix-rich-content-plugin-divider

Adding videos and dividers:

import { RicosEditor } from 'ricos-editor';
import { pluginVideo } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-video';
import { pluginDivider } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-divider';
<RicosEditor placeholder={'Type here!'} plugins={[pluginDivider(), pluginVideo()]} />;
Type here!

There you go! A rich content editor with plugins. Now go ahead and add some more plugins!