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Translatables API#

Translation API provides methods for translatable fragment extraction and replacement within a RichContent instance.

toTanslatables: (content: RichContent) => Translatable[]

translateContent: (content: RichContent, translatables: Translatable[]) => RichContent

where Translatable consists of text and some metadata fields required for translation fragment replacement.

For the purpose of translating content, there are 3 stages that you should follow:

  1. Extraction: getting a Translatable[] from a RichContent object
  2. Translation: modifying the Translatable[] with translated values
  3. Application: applying the modified Translatable[] array into a RichContent object

Ricos does not provide a Translation service. Hence, stage 2 is up to your implementation


import { translateToSpanish } from '3rd-party-translation-service';
import { toTranslatables, translateContent } from 'ricos-content/libs/translate';
function translate(translatables: Translatable[]) {
return => ({ ...t, text: translateToSpanish(t.text) }));
const english: RichContent = { ... };
const englishChunks: Translatable[] = toTranslatables(english);
const spanishChunks = translate(englishChunks);
const spanish: RichContent = translateContent(english, spanishChunks);