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Content Extractor

extract API#

The Content Extractor provides access to content nodes regardless of their nesting level.

The extract API accepts RichContent nodes array, and exposes Extractor<T> that allows chaining:

interface Extractor<DT> {
filter: (predicate: (data: DT) => boolean) => Extractor<DT>;
map: <MT>(mapper: (data: DT) => MT) => Extractor<MT>;
chain: <CT>(mapper: (data: DT) => Extractor<CT>) => Extractor<CT>[];
get: () => DT[];


  1. Extract node keys of images with invalid (empty) alt text:
import { extract } from 'ricos-content/libs/extract';
const keys = extract(richContent.nodes)
.filter(({ imageData }) => !!imageData && !imageData.altText)
.map(({ key }) => key)
  1. Extract first image URL:
const url = extract(richContent.nodes)
.map(({ imageData }) => imageData?.image?.src?.url || imageData?.image?.src?.custom)
  1. Extract total image count:
const imageCount = extract(richContent.nodes)
.filter(({ type }) => type === Node_Type.IMAGE)
const galleryImageCount = extract(richContent.nodes)
.map(({ galleryData }) => galleryData?.items || [])
items =>
({ metadata }) => (!!metadata && metadata?.type === 'image') || !metadata?.type
.reduce((sum, count) => sum + count, 0);
  1. Extract list item texts, grouped by lists:
const listTexts = extract(richContent.nodes)
.filter(({ type }) => type === Node_Type.BULLETED_LIST || type === Node_Type.ORDERED_LIST)
.chain(n => extract(n).map(({ textData }) => textData?.text || ''))
.map(extractor => extractor.get());

Note the recursive extract and chain combination.