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Migrating from rich-content

This section is intended for users of the legacy RichContentEditor & RichContentViewer API.


The motivation behind this project is to provide a better user experience for rich-content consumers.

The core idea is to wrap the RichContentEditor/RichContentViewer with a "transparent" wrapper which would provide convenient default configuration to its child component, while maintaining it fully backwards-compatible for existing applications. The three main goals are:

  • simpler API and configuration
  • less breaking changes
  • reduced amount of code duplication between consumers via providing a default implementation

Getting started#

Existing consumers#

Existing consumers can gradually integrate Ricos into their code. The Ricos wrapper provides a configuration to its children based on its own properties. Any props that are passed directly to the child override the wrapper's ones.


Wrapping the RCE with Ricos#

import { RicosEditor } from 'ricos-editor';
import { RichContentEditor } from 'wix-rich-content-editor';
import { pluginGiphy } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-giphy';
import { pluginImage } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-image';
import { pluginVideo } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-video';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
theme={{ palette: site_palette }}
plugins={[pluginVideo(), pluginImage(), pluginGiphy({ giphySdkApiKey: 'secret_key' })]}
<RichContentEditor placeholder={'Type here!'} />

Wrapping the RCV#

import { RicosViewer } from 'ricos-viewer';
import { RichContentViewer} from 'wix-rich-content-viewer';
import { pluginGiphy } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-giphy/viewer';
import { pluginImage } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-image/viewer';
import { pluginVideo } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-video/viewer';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
plugins={[pluginVideo(), pluginImage(), pluginGiphy()]}
<RichContentViewer />

API Reference Here