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Migrating to Version 8

plugin-commons separation#

The wix-rich-content-editor-common package size has been significantly reduced -- all the plugin-related stuff now resides in a separate wix-rich-content-plugin-commons package.

The change is almost internal, except just the one drawback. It is now required to import plugin-commons styles:

either in JS:

import 'wix-rich-content-plugin-commons/dist/styles.min.css';

or in CSS:

@import '~wix-rich-content-plugin-commons/dist/styles.min.css';


createTheme() is removed#

  • Please remove any calls for createTheme as those will no longer work
  • In addition, you can safely remove ricos-theme from your package.json as it is also no longer in use


import { createTheme } from 'ricos-theme';
<RicosEditor theme={createTheme({ palette, parentClass })} />;


<RicosEditor theme={{ palette, parentClass }} />

Design Updates#

(relevant to cssOverride / legacy theme prop)

If you're overriding styles, make sure your CSS files are aligned with this version's updates.

Listed below are the major style changes. If you face conflicts related to other changes that aren't listed here, you can check the the rest of the .scss differences here.


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Inline Toolbar#

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Plugin Toolbar#

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