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Introducing the rich content viewer

Now that you have an editor enabled, let's add a viewer to display the content you create with it.

npm i ricos-viewer
import { RicosViewer } from 'ricos-viewer';
const content = {
blocks: [
key: 'd79aa',
text: "Hi there! I'm Ricos, your rich content framework. ๐Ÿ‘พ",
type: 'header-two',
depth: 0,
inlineStyleRanges: [],
entityRanges: [],
data: {},
entityMap: {},
VERSION: '7.5.0',
<RicosViewer content={content} />;

Hi there! I'm Ricos, your rich content framework. ๐Ÿ‘พ

Now let's add some plugins to Ricos and display the new content:

npm i wix-rich-content-plugin-video wix-rich-content-plugin-divider

Important Note: Viewer plugins are imported from [plugin]/viewer. Editor plugins are imported from [plugin]. (see viewer example below)

import { RicosViewer } from 'ricos-viewer';
import { pluginVideo } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-video/viewer';
import { pluginDivider } from 'wix-rich-content-plugin-divider/viewer';
<RicosViewer content={contentWithPlugins} plugins={[pluginDivider(), pluginVideo()]} />;

Hi there! I'm Ricos, your rich content framework. ๐Ÿ‘พ
